About the Office of Transportation #
Mission #
The mission of the Office of Transportation is to provide a safe and inclusive transportation system for drivers in our region that advances economic growth and quality of life for people and businesses by providing news and information about using all modes of transportation available in our communities, whether it be car, truck, sport utility vehicle, subcompact car, or alternative transportation like buses.
What we do #
The Office of Transportation is responsible for building, supporting, and promoting all of the streets, roads, highways, parking lots, and other vital car infrastructure in our region. If you've sat in traffic listening to your favorite podcast, felt the thrill of legally zooming down an 80mph highways, marvelled at the beauty of a diverging diamond, or taken a historic trolley in that wealthy area downtown, you can thank the Office of Transportation. We work with other state and local agencies and the automotitive industry to ensure that every person can drive freely and safely in our region, and that cyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders are allowed to freely practice their ideology without endangering the lives of motorists by providing them with infrastrucutre like bike lanes, bus routes, and light rail.
Core Values #
Safety #
Safety is very important to drivers in our region. Last year, on average, two people were killed every day in traffic accidents in our region. The Office of Transportation works with other state and local authorities, as well as the automotive industry, to promote safety awareness and to increase average vehicle size so that every family in our region has the opportunity to purchase bigger vehicles, which some people believe to be safer for the occupants. We also work with local media to publicize violent crime that occurs on or near public transit, so that citizens can make an informed decisions on whether public transit is actually worth it.
Choice #
The Office of Transportation believes that it exists within the borders of America, the greatest and freeest nation on earth. We pride ourselves on promoting freedom of choice in transportation by treating all road traffic equally, whether it be car, pickup truck, sport utility vehicle, minivan, or regular van. We also recognize that certain individuals choose choose not to drive personal automobiles, and offer mental health services to these individuals through federal grants intended for public transit via our "Shrink Link" urbanist re-education bus. For our citizens who cannot or will not be helped by Office of Transportation mental health professionals, we support a small amount of bike infrastructure, light rail, and bus transit.
Sustainability #
We are committed to expanding sustainable highways, streets, and parking lots into every corner of our region. As we pave over wild areas to create roads to new single-family detached dwellings and strip malls sprawling ever outward from the urban core, the Office of Transportation promotes sustainability through a variety of eco-conscious programs, such as a volunteer-based monthly litter cleanup and by offering free, Office of Transportation-branded recycling bags that attach to the back of a car seat. The Office of Transportation also recognizes the impact that humans have on climate change and encourages drivers in our region to carpool if convenient.