Praying for the Carless in the New Year

We hope this message finds you well. As you all know, the Office of Transportation is dedicated to promoting safe, reliable transportation options for drivers in our community. However, we also understand that not everyone has the ability or means to own a car, and therefore rely on alternative modes of transportation like public transit.
We are reaching out to ask for your help in supporting those members of our community who are affected by not having a car. We ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers, that they may one day have the opportunity to experience the freedom and convenience of driving.
This winter, put yourself in the shoes of someone who has to wait for a bus, or has to sit next to other people on a cold, uncomfortable train. Even for those of you who drive electric cars, know that your situation could always be worse. Just be happy that you’re in a vehicle with four wheels and the freedom to go anywhere!
If you see someone riding a bus or train, don't hesitate to smile at them and be kind. They have it way worse than you. You may even want to hand them a small snack or some of your leftovers, since their not driving a car is often indicative that the rest of their lives aren't so great.
We understand that taking public transit can be a challenging and inconvenient experience, and we hope that through the power of prayer, those who are affected by carlessness can find relief and eventually climb the social ladder enough to have adequate transportation.